I offer a hybrid approach combining art therapy, nature-based mindfulness and breathwork, or any of these independently. My practice is holistically focused, influenced by my psychodynamic, Jungian and Shamanic trainings. I hesitate to use the word 'shamanic', as I feel a deep discomfort with lifting these deeply land-based traditions out of context into our modern lives. Whilst this may be with the right intentions, I cannot silence the worries regarding cultural appropriation and echoes of colonialism. So although I use many insights from this training in shamanism for therapeutic professionals in my work I am most definitely NOT a shaman, and indeed I do not conform to any tradition.
'Animism' perhaps best summarises my worldview and spiritual underpinning, and I am more comfortable with this as a signpost. I say signpost rather than lable as I tend to resist putting myself or anyone else in pidgeonholes. We are so much more than this, we are such complex beings and I would rather things were left vague or mysterious than stunted and constrained within boxes. This allows for evolution, journeying within ourseslves, growth over time, changing views, changing infomation. For those of you who haven't heard of Animism before, it is a value-based ethical framework emphasising respectful relationships between all beings. We are all one community, all of this one earth - humans, plants, rock, the sea, animals. At the core of animist values is loving the earth.
Sessions often include body work and sensory exploraion. I invite the participation of the whole person, integrating all aspects of the self; mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. I am passionate about recognising and amplifying both our unique individuality, and our interconnectedness with all beings. I invite participants to explore this via non-conventional creative expression, playfulness and developing our attentiveness and curiosity with regards our natural surroundings. As in all art therapy, artistic skill is not the focus, expressing yourself is.
Online sessions can seem daunting or strange, especially the seeming contradiction of combining nature with technology! "Zoom fatigue" is a very real concern in these times of increased home working and social disconnection. That's why my sessions often incorporate guided meditations or creative activities where we are not looking at the screen and exercises completely away from the screen either by a window or outdoors.
A wonderful bonus of online sessions is that you can extend this journey into your local, home environment, and it can seamlessly continue outside the sessions if you wish.
For more detail on my approach have a look at the 'about me' section.