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GDPR Data Privacy Notice

I (Kim Harrison) may obtain contact details, names, and other identifiers in order to enable me to contact anyone who:

  • Books onto an event.

  • Enquiries about personal therapy, creative workshops or an event.

  • Contacts me to discuss anything related to services I offer.

Personal data in the form of clinical notes will also be retained from nature-based art therapy sessions in accordance with guidance from BAAT and HCPC.

The personal data involved may be provided by the individual via my website contact form, email address, a phone call, or from other publicly accessible sources such as contact via my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It also may be provided in person in a therapy session, or other in-person workshop where I have a sign-up sheet for my email list.

This processing is on the basis of my legitimate interests as an organisation in supporting people who wish to utilise services that I provide.


Sharing your data

I will not share your personal data or clinical notes with any other parties, unless a safeguarding concern arises in a session which necessitates the involvement of appropriate authorities/organisations. I will endeavor to discuss this with you when it arises and explain why it is necessary. Safeguarding is a legal duty of care.


I will not add you to my email list without obtaining your explicit consent, and you may opt out at any time by emailing with 'unsubscribe' as the subject heading.

Safeguarding your personal data

I ensure that all personal data is subject to access controls, and is stored on secure, encrypted email accounts. I will only process personal data outside of the EU where we are sure there is an adequate level of protection or there are appropriate safeguards in place. 


How long will I keep your personal data?

I will only keep data for as long as is necessary to meet my legitimate interests described above. There will be a small element of follow up after all sessions but if you do not subscribe to my email list this will not last long. Subscribers to my email list can unsubscribe at any time by emailing Clinical notes will be retained for a minimum of 7 years in line with current professional guidance. This will be subject to review if guidance changes. 


Your rights

You have the following rights:
To be informed how your data is processed, to gain access to your personal data, to have errors or inaccuracies corrected, to have your personal data erased in some limited circumstances, to object to the processing when the processing is based on the public interest or other legitimate interests, to restrict the processing of your personal data in limited circumstances, and to obtain a copy of some of your data in a commonly used electronic form in some limited circumstances.

I am registered with the ICO to comply with GDPR as a sole trader.

You have the right to complain to the ICO about the way in which we process your personal data. Please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office for further information: website

If you wish to exercise any right, or for any queries you may have, or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact me on

Details about me and my work are available on my website 



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